Internet Solutions for Insurance (ISi)

The Need

Insurance companies need systems to process information. While companies in operation will have a processing system already, many often face pressure to provide services over the Internet. Many companies are running systems developed with older technology and extending their data to the web can be awkward, difficult or impossible. Limited staff resources stress some companies to the breaking point as they try to respond to questions from their agents and policyholders.

The Solution

Internet Solutions for Insurance (ISi) is a comprehensive insurance company processing system. ISi allows insurance companies and general agents with limited IT resources the ability to compete with much larger companies who are rich in technology resources. By exposing information on the Internet, ISi allows agents and policyholders to answer their own questions without placing demands on the company's staff. Further, ISi provides an efficient and highly customizable workflow limiting the number of people involved in the production of business.


ISi was developed by insurance professionals with a goal to be intuitive with limited training. Many insurance systems are difficult to learn, creating challenges when trying to get agents to use the system. A fully integrated system provides better workflow rather than having separate systems to handle quoting, billing and accounting.

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